WAVE Rider

WAVE Rider

Since his immigration to the US in the 1980s, Dr. Smirnov has been very concerned about the increasing use of wireless technologies and their wide applications.  As  a  highly  trained  bio-­‐physicist,     he  is  well     acquainted  and understood  the  harmful  effects  of  EMR  and  how  to  negate  the hazard.
Living in San Diego , the bio-­‐valley of   US , Dr. Smirnov had access to the most advance laboratories and testing facilities in the world. It was an opportune time for him to develop and test his theories and methods of protecting our cellular structure’s  signal  transduction  against the  disruptive  interference  of   EMR  on  our cells.


Certified R&D laboratories like Nemko Global Service, Molecular Diagnostic Services,  RF  Exposure  Lab,  MET  Laboratories  are  some  examples  of  facilities  that  Dr.  Smirnov  used  to  test  the  efficacy  of  WaveRider.

Interestingly, these are some of the main labs used by cell phone manufacturers to validate  their  hardwares  and softwares.

 After more than 10 years of research  and  development, Dr. Smirnov was awarded USPTO Patent No. 8,044,376:

"Devices & methods for protection against exposure to  electromagnetic  radiation" in 2011.




Quick Guide to WaveRider

The  WaveRider  is  a  stand-­‐alone  device  and  it  includes  a  housing,  a  solenoid operably connected to a driver and a polymer. The polymer is made of polymeric   material of fractal   matrix   composed   of   nano-­‐circles that includes a polar matrix, an oxidated hydrocarbon emulsifier, a galvanic salt, a dye or stain, and a polysaccharide. The solenoid generates incident radiation which excites the   polymer.   The   fractal   matrix   polymer   of      nano-­‐circles   begins   emitting frequencies of the noise field range that counter adverse effects associated with  a  subject's  exposure  to  the  electromagnetic radiation.  

Specifications of the WaveRider