Clinical Observation of Dr. T. Peerayot, M.D.: Using MRET Activated Water as Additional Treatment
(Explore Magazine, Vol.15, No.2, 2006 and Vol.14, No.6, 2005)
Dr. Trongsawad Peerayot, MD, Pension Officer, Ex-Director of AIDS Control Department, Bangkok Metropolis conducted clinical observations regarding the consumption of MRET Activated Water by patients suffering from AIDS/HIV and other diseases in 2004 – 2005. Dr. Peerayot’s interest in studying MRET activated water was triggered when he saw how MRET activated water consumption affected his “near-death” mother (85 years old) at Songkran hospital in April 2004. The consumption of MRET activated water actually brought his mother back to life.
The most representative study was conducted on 38 AIDS patients during July-August, 2005. All patients were consuming 1.5 liters of MRET activated water per day as a complimentary treatment in addition to the prescribed Antiretroviral and Symptomatic medicine. During the course of clinical observation all 38 patients were tested on a regular basis for CD4 counts and required to submit weekly reports of their health conditions. Summarizing the observation results it is possible to indicate that in compliance with the studied gradations of AIDS patients the health conditions of 36 patients showed significant improvement and only 2 patients did not show improvement of their health condition.
At the end of the observation two patients were selected to undergo two tests at Bangkok Pathology Laboratories. One test was for the level of CD4 counts (immune system) and the other was for Viral Load (the amount of virus in the body). For CD4 readings a normal range is 800 – 1200 cells/ml. The level below the 800 cells/ml indicates a weak immune system. The measuring device for Viral Load works within the range of 50 – 5000 counts/ml. The lower the number, the lesser is the level of the virus in the body, and the lesser it worsens the health condition. Patient #1, Mr. Sa-ad: The CD4 counts increased from 2 to 840 after 11 months of consumption of MRET activated water and Viral Load was less than 50. Patient #2, Mr. Un-ruang: The CD4 counts increased from 90 to 805 after 3 months of consumption of MRET activated water and Viral Load was also less than 50.
A 61 years old nurse, name T.C., was diagnosed with Myocardial Infarction for 20 years. She was treated by cardiologist in the public hospital. In spite of the treatment she suffered from continuous short period heart attacks and had to take prescription medication every day. She started drinking MRET water in her daily life (the same volume as the ordinary water) since 20th April, 2004. Within 2 months of drinking MRET water she stopped suffering from heart attacks. She went back to see her doctor. The doctor indicated that she recovered from Myocardial Infarction and she was discharged from the Cardiac Clinic.
A male patient, name N.P., 65 years old was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease for 8 years. All the time he was treated by neurologist. His symptoms were: difficulty in walking, trembling hands, masking face, no reaction to impulses, could not speak loud and had no interest to life. After he drank MRET water for a couple of weeks there were significant improvements: he could walk longer steps, spoke louder and more clearly, smiled easily and did not show signs of stress on his face. In a couple of months he could stroll along 2 kilometers of the pathway at Mt. Khao Hin-ngam, Chaiyaphum province.
A male patient Y.S., 53 years old was diagnosed Psoriasis since he was a young boy and was treated by doctors in three medical school hospitals. He had the red spots on his face, ears, head and the body to the feet. His nails on every finger became shorter and shorter. However, after he drank 1.5 liters of MRET activated water per day for a week, he found that his symptom of itchiness disappeared, the papule improved and the red spots paled. After he drank MRET water continuously for 2 months 30% of red spots looked like slight Hyper-pigmentation and he could stop the prescription medicine.
A female patient B.P., 37 years old was diagnosed with terminal AIDS, lung tuberculosis, active PCP (consumer of hallucinogenic drug) and also Psoriasis all over her body. Her symptoms were: the low fever in the afternoon and the evening, loss of appetite, look sick and pale, red face and red spots on the skin, having white scales on the body and feeling itchy all the time. She drank 1.5 liters of MRET activated water per day since 13th July, 2004. In a week the symptom of itchiness disappeared, 40% of red spots looked like Hyper-pigmentation, her face looked fresher than before, she had no fever and showed more self-confidence.
May 2002. Before MRET water ingestion. October 2002. After 3 months of MRET water ingestion
Ronnie Yip, California, USA:
I became acquainted with Dr. Smirnov in September 1998 while I was undergoing treatment for metastasized naso-pharyngeal cancer. During two chemotherapy treatments in September and October, I drank water activated by Dr. Smirnov's device mixed with a herbal additive also concocted by him. In addition, I took baths in water containing a liquid substance designed by him to help me detoxify my body. To my great surprise, my blood counts never fell to their lowest levels and rebounded to pre-chemotherapy ones in two and three days respectively. This was highly unusual as my body typically took around eight days to two weeks to rebuild it's immune system after receiving chemotherapy. Since the end of November I have given up traditional cancer treatment and relied instead on drinking the specially activated water. In addition, I have been receiving treatment directly from Dr. Smirnov twice a week that involves him beaming a low frequency electro-magnetic pulse into my body with a special device. At the beginning of January this year, a CT scan of the chest revealed a small shrinkage of the tumor in the middle of my left lung. Another scan a month later also showed a continuing small shrinkage in the size of this tumor together with a noticeable reduction in the cancerous mass in the lining of the lung.
Andrew Heng, Singapore. October 13, 2004:
I had seen how MRET works on my dear wife. She used to suffer from severe migraine for many years. After drinking MRET water for a short period, miraculously her migraine was completely healed. My whole family and many of our friends and love ones have benefited tremendously from your wonderful invention. On behalf of my wife, my family and all my friends, I earnestly thank you for your good work.
Eng Lock Tan, Bangkok, Thailand. October 18, 2004:
Preliminary medical observations at HIV center operated by a famous monk had been successful with excellent results with 4 patients: 2 HIV and 2 Psoriasis. I will send you VCD of the TV interview of the monk and the patients. Psoriasis patients report complete healing. HIV patients can now sit up and eat. There are about few thousands HIV patients living in this center and the rumor are running about miracle water…. We plan to start a full scale clinical trial soon.
Gershkovich Polina, Israel, May 2008
I am 77 year old. After constant drinking during 2.5 week MRET water (every day about 1 liter) I was amazed that my eczema (red spots) on my elbows that I suffered last 10 year is cleared totally! I also fell improvement on my heart function and it have been getting better for me walking, cooking and doing homework and I am active than ever.
Ora Shiran, Israel, October 2008
I have been drinking the MRET activated water for over 2 months.
I should mention that I have metastatic cancer and I am on chemotherapy.
Well, after 3 weeks I noticed that the growing nails had a much healthier color (my nails looked VERY unhealthy before). They were also brittle (kept breaking up).
By now the whole nail is new and it is much stronger than before. This tells me that the water is doing something very good to my body and I drink it "religiously" throughout the day. I took my regular blood test to check cancer cells in the blood and after 6 weeks of drinking the water the test showed double the improvement of the past few months! Incidentally, my skin became much smoother as well.
The other day my friend burned her hand; I poured some of the water on it and we observed the redness disappearing, together with the stinging feeling. It was healed on the spot!
David Blanchard, California, USA
I feel that after drinking your MRET water my Hepatitis C was eliminated from my body. As you can see from the test that my AST and ALP enzymes are back to normal from using the MRET unit for only five weeks. Thank You.
Helen Lee, Singapore
Sometime in August 2002, my dog Rusky had not been eating well and appeared sick and weak. I realised his breath smelt foul. So I checked his mouth, hoping to find an ulcer but instead found that his gums at the right upper molar were red and sore. I showed Rusky's swollen gums to my hubby. Then I remembered the MRET water, which my friend Florence had claimed to have worked on her dog's skin problem. I fed the MRET water to Rusky. After the third day, Rusky could eat and was looking fine. When I checked his molar, I saw there was no soreness and he is well now. I really am glad and grateful to be introduced to this water.
Realising how MRET water had helped my dog, I decided to wrap MRET water cotton wool on my corn (right toe). After two weeks the corn appeared dry and hard, so I used the nail-clipper to cut it away. I realised that there wasn't any bleeding at all, which normally occurs when I cut them. It's 2 months since and the toe is normal now and there is no corn growing out at all.
Another exciting discovery is that my potted plant in the office is growing so well and the secret of this is because of MRET water. One Saturday morning, I found an unknown dehydrated and almost dead miniature bamboo potted plant near my plant. I was puzzled because I could not guess who the owner was. Later my friend Siew Kian told me it belonged to her and that she believed the "fung shui" at my table seemed to be making my plant grow so well. I happily told her about MRET water. I then cleaned her plant and poured MRET water into it's tiny vase. Presto! On Monday morning I could not believe my eyes - that almost dead tiny plant is so alive. It's frail tiny stem and leaves appear so alive and healthy. It's like as though a Healer's Hand had touched it.
Bowie Neo, Singapore
This is a testimonial on the effects of MRET water on my mother.
My mother is 81 years old, bedridden from a stroke and suffering from diabetes as well as kidney problems. She also has water retention due to the body's inability to absorb liquid as well as medication that was prescribed, her face, hands and feet were bloated. Due to her condition, she is looked after in a nursing home with constant medication.
I came to know about MRET Water System from Dr. Igor Smirnov this year, and he told me that MRET resonated water will help my mother in terms of enhanced nutrient transport and cell hydration. I put her on MRET water for a period of 10 days. Then I fed her with milk and medicine together with MRET water. I was surprised to discover that her bedsores had dried up and her water retention problem has also disappeared! Her condition improved tremendously and her general health has also improved.
I strongly believed that MRET water has saved her from becoming worse.
Steven Chiew, Singapore. August 2002
Dear Dr. Smirnov,
I contacted severe Atapic Eczema last year. My skin was inflamed, dried and irritated; it was very itchy and painful. I had to stay away from air-conditioned environment as it only added to my suffering.
Constant visits to both western and Chinese physicians did not help much, as most medications were steroid based.
When I was introduced to MRET, I was skeptical because I thought it was another water filtering device. However due to my friend’s persistence, I gave it a try and was amazed by its phenomenal results. The inflammation subsided after 2 weeks of drinking and clearing my body with MRET water.
I was totally cleared of Eczema within 6 weeks. My sincere thanks to the inventor (Dr. Smirnov) of MRET water system.
I normally have allergy – a serious one, but after I tried Amazing MRET water, I have been getting better and better. Now I hardly need to take medicine for allergy. This year I took medicine less than 10 times.
Suchada Wongasawarit, 42 years old, Reseda
Our family got MRET Water Activator in May of 2006. First we tried to irrigate two identical baby-plants of Yellow Begonia with regular water and with MRET activated water. Begonia irrigated with MRET water was much stronger, better looking and flourished by 1 month earlier than Begonia on regular water. Further, the plant on MRET water was covered with flowers until the first cold days in October, it had much more flowers and for longer period then Begonia on regular water.
We have a lot of domestic plants and all of them dramatically enhanced their living cycle after we started to irrigate them with MRET water. Even cactuses, which flourish at home in northern countries very rare, started to flourish 2-3 times this year. The green color of plants' leaves became more intensive and the growth of plants accelerated. In addition we noticed that the flowers in vase with MRET water keep alive for a couple of weeks.
MRET water is very beneficial for pets. Our 11 old small dog "pickiness" Lucy a couple of years ago was diagnosed with chronicle pilonephrit and nephrosclerosis. About 3-4 times a year Lucy suffered a lot during the periods of aggravations and we had to put our dog on strong antibiotics in addition to homeopathy medication. During almost a year Lucy drinks only MRET water and takes its homeopathy at regular basis. All the time our lovely god did not suffer from kidney colic and her medical tests significantly improved.
I believe that MRET activated water enhances metabolism and stimulates immune system. During the epidemic of flue in St. Petersburg a lot of our friends got flue but no one member of our family (4 people) got sick. One of the members of our family got release from heartburn due to regular consumption of MRET water. Following my experience I can say that MRET water creates some kind of unique protection mechanism against flue, other infections, enhances the function of digestive system, and improves health conditions and physical state in general.
We drink MRET water and also use it for cooking, tea, coffee. We activate milk in order to enhance its taste and shelf life. WE use MRET water for cosmetic purposes in order to look younger. We are happy to get such wonderful device as MRET Water Activator and we are extremely grateful to its inventor Igor Smirnov.
Liudmila Fliash, St. Petersburg, Russia, February 3, 2007
I used to have diabetes for more than a year and my blood sugar never went down. After I have drunk Amazing MRET water for 4 months my blood sugar went down from 100 to 96 and all the pain is gone. My hands and face used to be trembled since I was 26, and now that I’m 60+ my condition is getting so much better that my friends hardly see me trembling. Also, I lost almost all of my toe nails because of fungi. Now, the nails have grown back up almost as normal. Overall condition is 90%-95% better. I truly believe in Amazing MRET water. Before, I thought it was impossible, but now I believe because my health is getting better.
Romruk Phongmai, 62 years old
During last 6 years I was suffering from gastritis and the problems of the digestive tract (constipation). I also had permanent headaches, the problems with weight control (it was impossible to eat anything tasty) and the syndromes of chronic weariness.
I have started to drink MRET water.
Gastritis pains disappeared immediately. The functioning of gastro-enteric path normalized in two weeks. Headaches do not disturb me any more. The chronic weariness passed. A desire to work appeared and together with it appeared a desire to live and live for a long time.
Thank you very much!
Nina Sobol, 48 years, St. Petersburg, Russia
I’m 88 years old. After I have hip strip and pain, I drunk 3 glasses of Amazing MRET. At 8.30 pm. On May 16, 2005, the next morning the pain had gone. I feel so happy. Thank you Amazing MRET Water.
Ven Patrick
Dear Sir,
While on holiday recently in Thailand, my partner experienced a severe and sudden bone marrow crash. His white blood count fell below 400, with no apparent reason (as of today, still remains cryptic). He is now out of trouble, although with still below normal blood count, and he is undergoing a heavy "boosting" treatment - essentially cyclosporine - for at least the next 6 months. We are now back in France.
It so happens that a friend of ours in Bangkok had just purchased one of your machines, and we have immediately tried using activated water. My partner was relieved of heavy migraines by the next day, and his blood count showed amazing results within a few days.
Now that we are back in France, his results have dropped a little (for other reasons), but we would indeed be very keen in purchasing one of your machines for long term healing.
Do you have any distributor here in France, or closer in Europe? I cannot seem to find any so far, and we are eager to get an MRET machine as quickly as possible. If not, we'll have to 'import' it from Thailand, which I'm not sure is the most economical solution...
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Best regards,
I got a stroke and could not move. I had to lie down in bed for more that three weeks. I was tired and my legs had no strength. My family heard about Amazing MRET. I tried it and have drunk it ever since. Now I can walk as normal and active than ever.
Dum, 64 years old, North Hollywood
Pam Hurst, Waynesville, NC, USA, April 30, 2007
My 17 year old cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and going into kidney failure. The first round was antibiotics and thyroid meds. She just kept getting worse and down to about 2 or 3 pounds. I even called the vet to put her down, but something inside of me said, not yet.
I put her on the MRET water and almost immediately, I could tell a difference. Now, 4 months later, she weighs about 5 lbs, runs around the house, uses her kitty box and goes out side...a normal cat. Her loving nature returned. Angel is back! The only thing that I did different was the MRET water. I know that the water, combined with loving energy is the reason she is here.
After drinking Amazing MRET water, I feel that my health is getting better. Before I used to be tired easily and lost hair but after I drunk Amazing MRET water, the hair grew back up. Friends asked me if I had hair transplant. Also my hair that was grey has turned black. I was and ex-boxer and used to kick the punching bag and lost the toe nails. Now, the nails grew back. Moreover, I used to have heart disease and high blood pressure. Now I don’t have to take any medicine. I drink Amazing MRET water as my energy drink when I exercise.
Jade, Panorama City
Deborah, Fremont, CA, USA, May 1, 2007
I am interested in purchasing your MRET water equipment from the US as I am now residing here in Fremont CA. Previously I had a MRET machine in Singapore where I found the results of drinking MRET water to be very good indeed. My mother drank MRET water too all through her chemotherapy sessions and thereafter and it seemed to help her white blood cell counts tremendously.
I and my husband don’t have any kind of diseases or illness at all. The reason that we drink Amazing MRET water is because I just want to find out what the result is if I have no health problem. Before, I was physically tired when I exercised. I could do only 10-15 minutes then I had to stop. But after I have drunk Amazing MRET water I don’t feel tired like before and can exercise longer. We are happier to go exercising.
Ning, 32 years old, North Hollywood