Scientific Validation of The WaveRider

Scientific Validation of The WaveRider

MET Laboratories Inc. is a leading independent electrical testing and certification lab, USA.

WaveRider Test at  MET Lab ,USA

Description of Test Sample:

WaveRider Test at Nemko, USA Test Configuration: The unit was placed on a 80cm dielectric stand above a conducting ground plane within a 10m semi-­‐anechoic chamber. An ELT-­‐400 tester (a 3 axis orthogonally summed magnetic field measuring device) was placed adjacent to WaveRider for measurement of the emitted field. Test Sequence: The magnetic emissions in all 3 orthogonal axis were measured at standard 4 inches distances starting at 4 inches from center of cube to 32 inches from cube center. Additionally, the magnetic field strength at 4 inches was extrapolated for field intensity at 15 feet and 30 feet from center of the cube in all 3 axis.

WaveRider  (MRET  Noise  Field  Generator)  is  a   source   of   low   frequency, low intensity electromagnetic signals of noise field characteristics. These signals are generated by MRET polymer compound that is exposed to a repeating sequence for the two discrete rate signals : 7.8 Hz for  5  seconds  and  14.5 Hz  for 5 seconds. These low frequency signals of noise field characteristics are superimposed on microwave carrier signal. The superposition leads to the amplitude modulation of  microwave carrier signals.

Test Procedure:

WaveRider/Prototype was placed in the center  of  an  anechoic  chamber,  and the radiating antenna was placed 0.2 feet in front of WaveRider. The plot was taken  with  WaveRider  OFF (Yellow Trace) and  ON (Blue Trace).

Test Results:

It was detected with the help of Spectrum Analyzer (Agilent E4447A) the increase of the noise field  spectrum  content  level  in  the  range  of  4 Hz  to  50 KHz at close proximity to WaveRider. The noise field spectrum content increase is most likely due to the amplitude modulation of microwave carrier signals  by WaveRider.

WaveRider  Test at  Nemko, USA

Test Configuration: The unit was placed on a 80cm dielectric stand above a conducting  ground  plane  within  a  10m  semi-­‐anechoic  chamber.  An  ELT-­‐400 tester (a 3 axis orthogonally summed magnetic field measuring device) was placed adjacent to WaveRider  for measurement of the emitted field.

Test Sequence:

The magnetic emissions in all 3 orthogonal axis were measured at standard 4 inches distances starting at 4 inches from center of cube to 32 inches from cube center. Additionally, the magnetic field strength at 4 inches was extrapolated for field intensity at 15 feet and 30 feet from center of the cube in all 3 axis.




RF Exposure Lab is an independent A2LA accredited SAR testing  facility. It is a popular Lab with cell phone manufacturers because of its expertise in test SAR and it  is accredited by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission).

WaveRider Tested in RF Exposure Lab LLC

The investigation was conducted on cellular phones: Samsung Model SCH-A670, Kyocera  Wireless   Model   KWC   2325,   and   Qualcomm   Model   QCP   2035; TX frequency range: 835 MHz; Maximum RF output: 23 dBm conducted; Signal modulation: CDMA; Antenna type (length): Standard with each model;

The influence of WaveRider signals on RF phones in this experiment does not change location of “Hot Spot”. The “Hot Spots” remain in the same location as without the influence of the generator, and their amplitudes decrease in 80% of the data points. The placement of WaveRider at the distance of 7 feet from “phantom head” exposed to RF phones does not significantly affect the air measurements of RF phone signals and subsequently does not lead to any significant distortion of transmitted RF signals.

In 65% of the data points, there was observed a significant decrease of  SAR values  in the range of 10% to 40%. WaveRider reduced majority of SAR values, 9 SAR values out of 12 meaningful SAR values in this experiment were reduced in the range of  2.1% - 12.6%.

This study indicates that the WaveRider can successfully reduce the potential harmful effects on human brain activity following EMR exposure.

Molecular Diagnostic Service, Inc. is an independent contract testing facility operating since 1992. This independent lab provides comprehensive  cellular and molecular biology, toxicology, microbiology, sterility assurance, and biocompatibility services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology,  medical  device,  and other research institutions.

WaveRider Tested in Molecular Diagnostic Services, Inc.

Molecular Diagnostic Services was selected by Dr. Smirnov to conduct a series   of experiments -­‐ to show the protective effect of the WaveRider on normal human brain cells ( Astrocyte ) as they are being exposed to mobile phone irradiation . The GLP studies are in full compliance with all GLP regulations, as deemed by  the  appropriate  agency (FDA, EPA, OECD, EEC, JMHW, JMAFF).

The negative effect of mobile phone irradiation on Astrocytes growth was partially relieved when MRET noise field generator/ WaveRider was placed at the distance of 30 feet  from  the  treated  plates.  There  was  an  average  of  7.2% increase of Astrocytes metabolic activity due to the compensatory effect from WaveRider, as compared to the treated cell samples without WaveRider influence. In other words, the WaveRider protected human brain cells from phone radiation  at  the  distance  of   9 meters.