General Information

General Information

Is There A Need To Protect Individuals From The Negative Effects of  Electromagnetic  Radiation ?
May 31st 2011  
Lyon, France. The World Health Organization/ International Agency for Cancer Research Institute (IACR) issued a major Press Release: The re-­‐classification of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to  humans (Group 2B) To give you an idea of how serious this warning is, this puts electromagnetic  fields  in  the  same  category  as  other  well-­‐known  carcinogens such as lead, chloroform and exhaust fumes to name a few.
During that week of  May  24th to  31st,  a  working  group  of  31  scientists  from 14 countries met at International Agency for Cancer Research in Lyon, France,   to assess the potential hazards from exposures to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. These assessments will be published as Volume 102 of IARC Monographs, which will be the fifth volume in this series to focus on physical agents, after Volume 55 (Solar Radiation), Volume 75 & 78 on ionizing radiation  (X-­‐rays,  gamma-­‐rays,  neutrons,  radio-­‐nuclides),  and  Volume  80  on non-­‐ionizing radiation (extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields).­‐centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf
October 19th 2012  
In 2011, in a landmark case, the Italian Supeme court ruled that Mr Innocente Marcolini’s  brain tumor was caused by his mobile phone usage (Reuters)
The Italian Supreme Court relied on independent research conducted by Lennart Hardell and his colleagues in Sweden which showed consistent evidence of increased  brain  tumor  risk  associated  with  long  term  mobile  phone use.
The Hardell research was heavily relied  upon  by  31  experts  convened  by the World Health Organization who classified radiofrequency energy, including as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans.­‐phones-­‐can-­‐cause-­‐brain-­‐tumours-­‐court-­‐ rules..html
March 19th 2013
The French National Assembly passed an amendment to ban WiFi in their schools until it is proven “safe for human consumption”. The National Assembly agreed to recommend safer, wired Ethernet cable connections for now. Most of the European Union are following suit. From the thousands and thousands of studies done on the pros and cons of electromagnetic radiation, one thing is for sure, children, especially the young ones should not be expose to electromagnetic radiation.
Over the last few years, there have been mounting concerns about the possibility of adverse health effects resulting from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (which emit electromagnetic radiation), such as those emitted by wireless communication devices like WiFi, cell phones, etc.
The number of mobile phones subscription is estimated at 5 billion globally.      All these cell phones are supported by hundreds of millions cell phone masts and base stations that allow us the mobility to seamlessly use our cell phones, I-­‐pads and computers almost anywhere in the world. These cell phone masts and base stations transmit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, waves and waves of unseen, radiofrequency electromagnetic pulses over massive areas of our planet.
There is just no option to opt out!
In a 10-­‐year study published in 2010 in the International Journal of Epidemiology, researchers reviewed the phone usage of over 22,000 people in 13 countries. They determined that cell phone users who spent 30 minutes or more per day on the phone had a 40% higher risk of developing a brain tumor on the side of the head where they usually held their phone.
Just last year Italian researchers reviewed a large number of the studies on cell phones and found serious flaws in the research sponsored by cell phone companies. When they excluded cell phone industry funded research and relied only on independent third party studies, they concluded that cell phone use over a 10 year period doubles the risk of developing a brain tumor on the side of the head where the phone is habitually held.
It would be prudent for individuals and families to learn more about how to protect themselves and heed the warning of The World Health Organization and the hundreds of independent researchers that concluded that electromagnetic radiation does have a negative effect on us, more so especially on children under 15 years of age.
Conclusion :
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a medical doctor and author of several books (Optimum Health, The Fast Food Diet, etc) has long been concerned about the continuing expansion of Wi-­‐Fi into schools. He became concerned when his son alerted him to  many  people  whose  children  developed  symptoms  of  ill-­‐health  (particularly headaches, light-­‐headedness, and palpitations) since Wi-­‐Fi was installed in their schools. Their symptoms went away at weekends and during school holidays.   Dr. Sinatra is now part of a Canadian coalition called Doctors for Safer Schools.
Many of us may not be aware of the effects of Wi-­‐Fi and other wireless communications on our own and our children’s health, but we could take a leaf from Dr. Sinatra’s example, and become more vigilant users of wireless technologies.