Biotechnology Research corporation
Global QuanTech Biotechnology Research corporation
Global QuanTech
Global Quantech, Inc. is a US Biotechnology Research corporation founded by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. He is a member of Bioelectromagnetics Society, Association of American Engineers, and a member of The Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine.
In 1980’s Dr. Igor Smirnov was actively involved in advanced research regarding the influence of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations on life cellular structures that was conducted at St. Petersburg University, Russia. As a result of research program he developed Molecular Resonance Effect technology (MRET). Igor Smirnov was awarded with four US patents: "Methods and Devices for Producing Activated Liquids and Methods of Use Thereof",” Compositions for protection against electromagnetic radiation exposure”, “Electromagnetic radiation shielding material and device”, “Devices and methods for protection against exposure to electromagnetic radiation”.
In compliance with MRET Dr. Smirnov developed and patented in the USA three innovative devices: MRET Water Activator , MRET-Shield (electromagnetic radiation optimum neutralizer) and MRET Wave Rider device. Global Quantech, Inc. manufactures all three devices.